Relax and rather consult a psychiatrist. He can give you medications for you to calm down. Have enough sleep so that you could relax. Avoid too much eating of the foods that trigger your panic attack. Be comfortable at the disposition you have. Relax, make yourself happy. Talk to people so you won't get bored. Eat nutritious foods. Look for articles that could help you relieve the symptoms you are undergoing. Joining this forum is also a nice way. You can get suggestion from others and others may relate to your experiences so you are emotionally comforted and you gain ideas on how to handle your panic attack. Do not make your panic attack your problem, it will only get things worst.
No links for professional services allowed. These are considered SPAM in the forum. Please review our rules. Otherwise please feel welcomed to post support to fellow anxiety sufferers. Thank-you.
Post Edited By Moderator (Scaredy Cat) : 10/4/2013 10:45:31 AM (GMT-6)