Hi W2GB and welcome!
We are glad that you have joined us, and look forward to getting to know you better.:)
I am sorry to hear of your anxiety struggles. What if anything have you tried as far as treatment? Have you discussed medication with your docotor? Or how about
any therapy?
These are both the ususal methods of treatment, but there are also excellent self-help ideas for anxiety management that really work as well.
I invite you to check out our Resources. Inside you will find informative articles, helpful sites with coping skills and exercises, book recommendations and more.
If you would like, I can also post my favorite breathing exercise which helped me so much when I was experiencing the breathing issues that you describe.
(I also read in another one of your posts that driving has been an issue...I can look up some helpful resources for that as well at your request)
Please post anytime, and know that we care and understand. Suport is key!
Talk to you soon,
Scaredy Cat