Nikcin3I am so sorry things are tough for you. The hardest part about being on medications is having them poop out on you. If you can stick with your meds to give them a chance to reach the maximum dose you are aiming for hopefully you will feel better.
I "refused to see a therapist" who was making matters worse for me and every session I would be more upset than the one before. I did talk to my psychiatrist who asked me if I shared my personal feelings about our sessions with the therapist. No I had not and so I did. She said she understood but when we were through for the day she made the same suggestion to me that I had called her on so I walked out the back door and never went back to her.
Like any profession, some are good at it and some are really bad. Give yourself time to regroup and than shop for one that comes highly recommended and do your best to build a trust relationship.
I am right here supporting you.