Hi I am new to this forum but not new to anxiety unfortunately
I wonder if anyone can help, I have had health anxiety for the past 13 yrs but it comes in bouts I've had about
5 or 6 in that time.
Basically my anxiety hits when I have a real health concern ie symptoms that are not anxiety related.
I am in such a horrible place right now!
I gave birth to my son just 9 days ago!!
And throughout my pregnancy I would get palpitations anytime I ate.
I was told it was due to reflux which made sense as I had terrible acid heartburn.
I would of thought it would have gone after the birth, I don't have the acid now but I still get the palps after I eat!
So I went and saw my doc in pieces through being so scared that there is a problem with my heart.
He has referred me for a halter test and I am terrified.
Sitting waiting to have it done, afraid of what they might find, he increased the dose of my clonazepam but everytime I take the higher dose I can't keep my eyes
open, I'd love to sleep but I'm too afraid because everytime I wake up I'm in such a panic, mornings being the worst, I have to do night feeds for my newborn so I wake every 3 hrs to feed him and I'm in panic mode the whole time :-(
I sit the whole day with my eyes closed but not falling asleep, I do sleep at night because by that time I'm exhausted!
I have my mum staying with me to help as much as pos but there's only so much she can do, I also have 3 other children aged 13, 6 and 3 to look after, I can't stop the constant fear and as my partner really doesn't understand he makes matters worse he belittles me and I have always lived in fear of the next bout, A because I can't bare to keep going through this and B because I'm sure my partner will have enough and walk away!! I really need help what can I do please help me :-(