hi all.
I feel like a huge baby, but figured you all wouldn't judge me and may be able to offer me some reassurance and support!
Well.. First off-- I HATE getting eye exams.. Why? Most would ask.. Because they're pretty painless. I am a nervous WRECK right now and have been anxious and nervous all day long about
tomorrow! I haven't had a routine dilation and exam in just under three years and I like to go every few years to get checked to make sure I'm alright! Well-- I have had floaters for years now, idk if anyone else has had these (like little squiggles floating around in your vision, painless but annoying sometimes) and at my last appt they noticed aniscoria or different sized pupils. Well I don't think they would have sent me on my way last time if it was indicative of bad stuff.. But I've noticed it's worsened in the mirror lately in dim lighting.
Now me and my anxious self was dumb enough to research this before tomorrow and came across something called Horners syndrome which can be caused by brain tumors, MS, and lung cancers! So that was not helpful as you can imagine. (I'm a hupochodriac..I know !) so I got offline and will let the doctors do their thing tomorrow, I just HATE going and feeling like I'm going to get bad news tomorrow :(
I know I need to be positive and realistic. Just in need of a pick me up and a little reassurance that I am not dying from some unfounded cancerous tumor or syndrome. (I don't have any other symptoms!)
But anyway, sorry for my rant! Just pretty dang nervous and anxious to get this over with...hate unknowns!
Any words of wisdom in my anxious chaotic breakdown? ;) thanks for listening!