First time to the group, and we will just say I have a few issues 1: why we are is my anxiety 2: I have epilepsy 3: chronic migraines and last 4: depression. I am a cna and a first responder soon to be getting my emt and none of my issues get my way of them because I love helping others. My anxiety is probably my worst of all because I freak my self out when I'm by myself at night I do Iive in the middle of woods were an axe murder could just break in and kill me and noone would know. I can't let other people drive in bad weather or busy places because I don't trust them with my life that family included that are all emts (it run in the family) and I want to live on my own but I'm scared someone will break in and kill me or rap or I will have a seizure and no one will be around to help because I don't feel them coming on. I just really want to not want to be afraid to home alone at night.