nellebutterI am sorry you are having ear problems and hope the Dr. is able to dx something that can be treated.
Perhaps you have allergies or even otitis media with effusion. Otitis media with effusion, or OME, is a build up of fluid in the middle ear without signs and symptoms of acute infection. OME may be caused by viral upper respiratory infections, allergies, or exposure to irritants (such as cigarette smoke). The build up of fluid in the middle ear does not usually cause pain and almost always goes away on its own. OME will not usually benefit from antibiotic treatment.
I used to have so many problems with my left ear that I ended up with a PE tube when I was in my thirties. The build of fluid in the middle ear causes the feeling of pressure. My head used to crackle just like "Rice Krispies" The tube fell out years ago but I still get crackling in my head from seasonal allergies.
I do hope by dinner time you will be feeling so much better. Dang I wish I had one of those Doctor's licenses you used to get from a cereal box so I could do more for you than extend warm hugs from a friend. (((((((((nellebutter))))))