My Anxiety Life said...
Anxiety makes us think all kinds of fearful things!
Sorry you are still struggling with your nausea. :( Is there some kind of drink you could take, like Boost which has fiber too so you will get nutrients and not get the 'runs'?
If the thumb/fist squeezing works, keep doing it. As long as it's not physically hurting you (much).
You are not alone!
I don't necessarily have the runs, especially not since my anxiety started. Ever since my anxiety started, I only go either once or twice a day and it's a normal bowel movement. I've been trying to eat more and drink more each day. I'm a really tiny person, always have been. I'm down 8 pounds since all this started and I certainly can't afford to lose anymore weight.
It feels so good to know I'm not alone. When I talk to friends or family about
anxiety, I just feel like they don't get it. Thank you guys for being like a shoulder for me to lean on :)