Hi Scaredy Cat
Thanks for your input i have been reading all the forums on palpatations on here for a few weeks before joining i would say i have a fairly good understanding of how they work and how you can easily become so very "tuned in" to them and as you said eventualy you unintentionaly become tuned in to everything your body is doing and start to panic at the smallest twinge or pain.
I would love to just understand what was happening in my body for my palpitations to start, as i said they started at the same time as my costo started so it must have been the pain from the costo that caused my tention and therefore pals to start. thats the only rational explanation i can understand but as i said doctors say costochondritis does not cause pals and is reasuring that others have related the two.
As i said i feel i have been in denial that i was suffering from anxiety which definetly started in december after terrible onset of palps and from them the anxiety has been eating away at me every day since then, i intend to ask the doctor for profetional help for anxiety as soon as my holter comes back ok (fingers crossed) but in the meantime i have started talking kalms(herb med) which i have heard are not very effective but if it helps with reducing the symptoms of stressing in the slightest im willing to give them a try before considering stonger medication which will be my last resort if am am not feeling any better in a few weeks. I received a yoga dvd i ordered from amazon last week to help me rexal which i am looking forward to starting and i will definetly be mentioning CBT to my doctor at my next appointment.
Thank you for the warm welcome it realy has helped me understand so much better what is happening to me since i started following this forum.. i have spent the last 2 and a half months trying to blame my symptoms on costochondritis and worring that i have a heart problem i wish i had been more logical and faced i was just being anxious sooner untill letting it get to the point i feel like i am going to die with a heart problem. But i suppose it does sort of creep up on you, you spend so much time going over and over symptoms/ feelings in ur head you dont stop to think rationaly and before you now it a month has gone by and its all you have thought about!
Thank you also for bringing this quote to my attention .. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles...it empties today of its strength.... i often start my day by thoughts such as "ok try and relax today, when you get a palpatation do this and do that" .. this i have realised is NOT effective as straight away ur over thinking and becoming tense. I know im myself the best way to deal with it is to ralax your mind and deal with the physical symptoms like if u get a palpitation and maybe get flushed or a bit paniky to drink water, cool yourself down , relax. I am trying extreamly hard to do this but i am not going to lie i do jump about a bit like a fairy and get upset whenever i get an "odd" feeling in my chest but i know what i SHOULD be doing and its just trying to put that into practise.. anyway the quote you use is certainly most fitting to my situation.
Take care
Jenna x