Hi everyone! I stumbled across this forum while searching one of my most recent symptom scares. I decided to give posting here a try, realizing I might get more relief from responses I might get, rather than the added sense of fear & anxiety that always ends up occurring after I do random searches for answers about
symptoms. I swear, the internet has a way of convincing you that the simplest thing - let's say maybe a pimple - could almost certainly result in a death sentence, and I allow myself to be convinced every. single. time. Maybe that's why my hubby thinks I'm a hypochondriac
Anyways, I've dealt with anxiety & panic attacks for several years now. I am prescribed Ativan, Paxil & Ambien in relation to anxiety. When having panic attacks in the past, I would experience palpitations, fluttering & the feeling that my heart skipped a few beats and/or was going to stop completely. This would lead to panicked gasping & irregular breathing, dizziness/lightheadedness, the typically described feeling of doom & feeling out of control, chest pain, numbness in my fingers, hands & forearms (and lots of fidgeting & trying to "shake out" the unsettling feeling). I would also get a twitchy feeling in my brow/forehead area, probably due to tensing it up so much and crying hysterically out of fear that maybe I really would die this time. During the worst attack I ever experienced, I actually called 911 bc I thought I was having a heart attack. I had a dull ache in my back that wouldn't quit and awful chest pain, along with most of my usual symptoms. After a ride in a fancy ambulance & a top of the line ER visit ($$$$$), the diagnosis was a severe panic attack.
Ok, so those were the symptoms I related to a panic attack. Over the past week I have been noticing some odd symptoms that I now have a suspicion may be related to anxiety/panic, but then again may not?? Randomly having a feeling of an inability to swallow (not food, but saliva) is what has started setting things in motion, then a dizzy feeling with colorful spots covering my vision, then a horrible feeling of being unable to control my eyes (kind of a pulling sensation, like they might actually be looking in different directions or crossing? But I can't tell if that is really happening due to all the spots), and then a feeling of not being able to get my hands to do what I want them to do. I'm sorry if I'm not explaining things very well, but it is difficult to describe. I believe I had a full on panic attack while experiencing these symptoms at least once.
Ok, I think that covers it, but I may be forgetting a symptom or two. I'm writing this last part in a hurry bc it is dinner time & I must get cooking for my fam
Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read my rambling post, lol. Along w/anxiety I also have ADHD, so please bear with me! I hope to hear from you all very soon & I look very much forward to exploring all of the posts on here.