Good afternoon everyone! (for myself at least)
I am a 22 year old female, and new to the world of panic attacks and anxiety. I've always been a bit of a hypochondriac, and I've been through therapy before ... but lately my symptoms and experience with anxiety have taken a turn.
Starting in June of last year I began to have panic attacks--infrequently. I've had maybe 5 since then, and was prescribed a half dose of Alprazolam to use if my breathing exercises failed to calm me. My symptoms were pretty typical: impending sense of dread, chest pain, tingling/numbness/pins and needles in my left arm and side, shortness of breath, and extreme fear of having a heart attack. More often than not the alprazolam managed to remedy this. A year ago I went to the ER when the alprazolam didn't help my symptoms, and I had an EKG and a CT scan--nothing showed.
I should mention as well that I tested positive for a genetic clotting disease called Factor V, and that in combination with me being obese (I weigh 315 lbs.) has really just left me in fear of my health. Specifically my heart.
I'm on the track to taking control of my health. I work out, I eat better, and I'm trying to live well. However, last night at around midnight I began having symptoms of what I thought were a panic attack, except different. Pain instead of tingling in my limbs, so tense and sore in my shoulders and upper back, as well as faintness, hyperventilating and extreme fatigue. I took alprazolam--only for it to again do nothing.
I managed to calm myself and went to sleep, but now almost 12 hours later I'm still feeling effects. Pain in my shoulders and upper back, pain in my forearms and tingling in my finger tips, pressure on my chest, and such exhaustion.
Is this typical? My attacks have usually passed in a matter of a few hours, but with my symptoms lasting so long I fear the worst. Im torn between making a doctors appointment and risk making a fool of myself (as well as racking up medical bills) and trying to just calm down.
I'm now seriously considering medication. Any thoughts? I apologize for the long post! But I'm really excited to be a part of a forum where other people are going through similar experiences.