Hi Bambi-
I too am very sorry about
your brother. I think you hit the nail on the head that because no one is talking about
it, your feelings & missing him, are no doubt coming out in your already vivid dreams.
I too have vivid dreams, in good times & bad times. I always have. During "good times" (without constant anxiety/depression which thankfully has been most of my life), these dreams can be upsetting but I don't obsess over them nor do they usually affect my mood the rest of the day. During "bad times", they can make me feel so weird & disturbed & can literally ruin my mood for a lot of the day.
We have talked about
dreams many times here. Something common we figured out in one post is, if we don't eat before bed (2-3 hrs), our dreams aren't as upsetting.
You're going through a lot of stress right now so I'd be more surprised if you weren't having upsetting dreams. I know it stinks but SC is also right that those of us w/anxiety do tend to stuff things deep down & they can present as anxiety, bad dreams etc. Since no one is talking about
your brother, that's an extra trigger bc I'm sure you need & want to talk about
I've yet to try this but I've considered buying a dream catcher for our bedroom. It couldn't hurt even if it's just a placebo effect. I've also heard putting a real crystal rock by your bed wards off bad dreams?! It may sound hokey but hey it might work and is harmless to try something like that?
Sending hugs & support!