Hi Lisa
Great to hear from you. I have been 300mg which is what I balanced on last time, I had some anxiety when I was 2 weeks in and he told me that last time I stabilised on 300mg at 10-12weeks with lots of phone calls in between, he said I needed to patient and said it was ok to use valium 2mg as needed as he knows I dont have an addictive personality. I havent needed it much at all maybe for 2 days here and there. So next Tuesday will be 6 weeks so just hoping for more improvement all the time. Ups and downs are to be expected if you have had good weeks thats a great sign, maybe 225mg will be the best dose for you as its just a little bit more. Yes it is summer here although it is raining here today and much cooler than it has been. we spent 2 weeks away down the beach first week I had a bit of anxiety off and on second week felt great, just got my period 2 days ago so have had a bit of anxiety a little before and during, finishing up today and tomorrwo so should ease again, no tears or depression like last month and that is a relief. keep being positive you will be fine I just know it, a little increase might do the trick or just hang in there and another couple of weeks you will be great again you know its always temporary , my doc always says its rollercoaster for a while and once you get to the corrrect dose it really dose take 3 months to get consistancy. it seems like a long time but because you get less downs and anxiety as time goes on with good days and weeks in between its easier to deal with.
Take care and we will chat again soon X