So I'll start off by saying that I have had almost every test imaginable and nobody has found anyyhing physically wrong. It came on quite suddenly a couple years ago-- I had just finished a nerve-wracking solo, and was in bed reading a few hours later, and I suddenly feel like I can't breathe. It lasted for about
a year, and only went away after fairly high doses of Buspar, Lexapro, and L-Methylfolate. I was doing pretty well for the past year, and then I had to titrate off for a sleep study (I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Hypersomnia and am taking a prescribed stimulant). Even without my anxiety and depression meds, I was doing great... Until a very unpleasant run in with my psychiatrist (he dumped us as I am not a big fan of talk therapy-- never did anything for me). Almost immediately after, my constructed breathing returned. It feels as if there is a lump-- it is a bit hard to swallow saliva and breathing feels very constricted, despite tests showing I'm getting enough oxygen, ect. I read a post on here and that's how I found out about
Cricopharyngeal Muscle Spasms-- and the symptoms highly resemble what I have. I can't endure another year of a constant feeling of strangulation. If anyone has suggestions either to help my anxiety or loosed the construction in my throat, please tell me. This feeling is unbearable.
(Also- if it is of importance, I am sixteen)
Post Edited (Cianonzo) : 1/23/2015 6:27:59 PM (GMT-7)