The beat goes on said...
They have been kicking up a bit starting around 2pm. Not intense though. It's weird this is the same time the palps did this yesterday. I don't know the significance. Took an Ativan and I think is helping it stay minimal. Not something I want to do on continuous basis though. I'm not freaking out. Just strange stuff.
Just a quick response to an earlier question, I'm a 33 year old guy myself and been doing quite well today. Had a single, moderate palpitation all day. More on that in a bit.
As for the timing, mine almost always came on at the same times. Rarely in the morning, but more often in the afternoon and early evening.
Here's what you need to do: keep a palpitation journal and 1-2 times a day take your blood pressure and pulse. The palpitation journal should be marked any time you have a palpitation that grabs your attention. If you can't get to it, make a quick note wherever you can. Then you can go back and review any common denominators between events.
Also, it can come in handy at reminding you that these are not anything unusual. Also the BP and heart rate monitoring is designed to be a reassurance. Folks with heart disease often present with symptoms of high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is averaging 140/90 or less and your heart rate remaining an average of 60-100 BPM, it's a reminder that your heart is, again, working as it should be.
Now a quick word on BP, Do not check it when you are stressing over palpitations. A palpitation episode can cause mine to shoot up 10 points in just a few minutes. Nowhere near "danger zone" territory, but enough that it gets above my typical average. That can, in turn, cause you to freak out even more. I always do my BP in the morning and before bed when I feel I am at my calmest.
Now as for me on timing, I have noticed that they do come after eating a lot more than typical. After SC mentioned carbonation I began trying something. I had not put ice in my fizzy drinks I like to have with meals in YEARS. Then it hit me: I hadn't done it in about
ten years to be exact.
Now I cannot say that ice will cure all my palpitations, but it does dilute the drink and thus impact the carbonation. Which I believe has caused the palpitations to subside a great deal.
That, in turn, has caused more of a relaxing sensation which in turn I believe has helped to curtail a good number of the palpitations as a whole. (That's a lot of words to say this is further evidence of diet/palpitation link.)
So start off by seeing if there are any meals or certain types of food you are eating every day. You can read back through the thread and see me discuss how certain foods would almost always set me off. It maybe that way for you as well.