Scaredy Cat said...
Hi DJ and welcome!
Have you dealt with anxiety of any kind before? Or would you say this is the first realy experience that you can say has caused such extreme feelings of panic?
Some days we are just less resilient than others. Perhaps stress has been building up, or we are tired/worn down. Maybe our emotions are a little more sensitive for whatever reasons...or maybe there is just not a reason we can even point to...
If you have been dealing with anxiety previously, what if anything have you tried for relief?
We have a great Resource Guide here at the top of the main page that you may want to look through. It is filled with self-help ideas for managing anxiety.
Keep talking with us if you find it helpful. We care, understand and support is key!
Scaredy Cat
I have had small feelings of anxiety for a long time but it got worse the past few years.. When i was coming to the end of my exams in high school one of my friends died suddenly of glandular fever that no one knew she had. Then a few months later whilst i was on holiday my Nan died then when we got back i was told my auntie has cancer for the second time round and she died that following February. My Auntie dying hit me the most and since then my anxiety has just got worse and worse and a lot of the time i feel like i cannot control it. I tried speaking to a Councillor at my college a few months ago but i stopped going because i didn't like it. I talk to my boyfriend about
stuff. He is amazing and tries his best but i get worried it is all going to become too repetitive for him and he is going to get fed up. My biggest panic attack was around November time last year after i had just found out that my Grandad has Cancer. I get a lot of little ones but i'm just so scared to go to the doctors about
it all.