Hi K.C. and welcome back!
It is good to hear from you.:) It sounds like there has been a mix of postives and challenges lately for you...
I am glad to hear that your roomate issue has been resolved, and that your living situation is again safe! That is a big relief, yes?
Also glad to hear that your finances are more stable at this time...that is another stress factor lessened.:)
However, I am sorry to hear of the struggles with feeling included, the tendency to isolate...and the continuing issues with your mom that are troubling you.
I think that it is very hard to work odd hours as your job requires. It is natural to feel that you are left out when others are socializing, and you have a shift! So accepting that this is just part of your work situation for now should help. Know that it is not YOU, but rather your schedule causing these issues.
Perhaps trying to schedule time with friends on your time off...even if it is just meeting for a coffee could help? Or are there people at work with similar schedules that you could reach out to?
As far as dealing with the negative feelings that come about
and make you want to isolate...we have a great resource right here! The link below is for a really effective
on-line therapy program that teaches how to reverse those negatives and turn them into productive and postive thoughts. This in turn, improves mood and reduces anxiety and depression!
Free on-line CBT programs:
Please give it a try and see how you feel after completing some of the modules.:)
Finally, as far as your relationship with your mom goes...
...you many need to set some boundaries in order to keep yourself healthy. Setting parameters is not the same as cutting someone completely out of your life...but rather choosing to limit the time spent with them. Making it clear what you will and won't tolerate in terms of their behavior towards you will ensure that you stay shielded from any toxic interactions...and ultimately results in a healthier you and a healthier realtionship!
Wishing you the best in all of these circumstances...keep up hope of healing and recovery.
Talk with is anytime you need support and understanding...we are here for you.:)