Hi Teachandheal and welcome!
I am sorry that you are currently dealing with so much! It can be scary and frustrating to distinguish between what are anxiety symptoms...and what could be a physical issue that needs attention.
The best advice I can give you is to keep in close dialogue with your doctors as far as your chronic illness issues go...keeping up with all of your check-ups/tests, ect...
...and to start treating the anxiety and see how much relief, and how many symptoms you can lessen/eliminate.
Here is a link to our Resources. Inside you will find great self-help coping skills for anxiety management. I recommend practicing these everyday...even if you are not symptomatic. Make is a part of your routine for 15 min or so, two to three times a day.
If you are able to get relief, then you have part of your puzzle solved!
If not, you can start to look into more medical reasons why you may be feeling the way you do.
Post with us anytime for support! We understand and care.:)