Posted 4/24/2015 6:29 AM (GMT 0)
Hi all, been lurking, time to post now.
the only experiences with anxiety over the last 15 years are chest pain and arm pain, and diahrrea when I'm stressed about something. I can have a panic attack by reading about disturbing medical things (eg. iron infusions) and that involves flight, heart rate going mental, bowel evacuation, shaking etc. I have health anxiety.
I was diagnosed as anaemic 6 months ago and had an iron infusion, against my wishes, as I hate hospitals, needles and any medication going into my body (I'm very sensitive to stuff). 24 hours after, I started to feel really lethargic and heavy, weak, nauseus, moving was so much effort. Went to GP, was told to go home and come back if not better. Few days later I'm in ER, and was diagnosed with hypophosphatemia. (after I'd done extensive research for the previous 3 days and told the ER nurse to test for phosphate levels). Anyway was given IV phosphate, hooked up to a heart monitor, and sent home with a script for phosphate supplements.
After taking one of these phosphate tablets, I could feel my upper left chest go tight. Every single time.
One night ~ 2am I was woken up with a giant skipped hearbeat and was so terrified I was going to die that I stayed awake for hours.
Since then its all got worse. Once a week I'd have this breakdown, where I'd get weak, nauseus, light headed etc. Each time I went to the ER they did a lot of blood tests and said go home. A visit 2 weeks later to the ER resulted in being told to go take a stemetil - no other tests done, everyone thought the symptoms were from low phosphate.
so in January when I was in ER again, the phosphate result was ok. So now we have no idea whats causing the problem.
Gastroenterologist has no idea whats going on (and said he never heard of anyone getting hypophotphatemia, even though I've read a heap of studies where its shown to be common, plus its listed in the side effects list of the medication brochure thing)
In early Feb I got hit with sudden blurry vision, light headedness, shortness of breath, feelings of thirst and escessive urination, headache, brain fog, big random heartbeats, tightness in chest etc. Went to GP, they did ekg, and glucose tests. No problems, go home, come again some time. I went to the ER instead, and managed to get admitted under the gastro that organised the infusion. Had a heap of tests (blood tests every day for 2 weeks), echo test, mri of head. Nothing found.
Ended up being told I could discharge myself, and it was clear they had NFI what was going on.
The week after I got out of hosp was terrible. Nausea on and off, weakness, muscle twitches, muscle aching, shortness of breath, headache, brain fog, could hardly walk, all the symptoms were worse. A hot shower brings on all these symptoms. If I get cold, I get shivers so bad I can't get warm again for hours.
Went to see various doctors and kept getting told anxiety. I never had these issues before I had an iron infusion, maybe my nervous system has been so sensitised having so much iron suddenly that its gone beserk. But nobody can tell me whats going on.
Managed to get back to work after 3 weeks off, but I was in such a bad way. One day a nerve in my stomach twinged, I had the feeling I was going to pass out rush up and down a few times, and the chest tightness/ gonna die type feelings. An ambulance was called, and I was mortified at making a scene at work :-(
I've been prescribed diazepam and found that it did suppress some symptoms.
So I'm at the point now nearly 3 months later where some things have gotten a bit better, but I get new random symptoms. The latest ones that started a week ago are a tight throat, feeling like I've been punched in the stomach and want to throw up, and the continuation of the big/skipped heartbeat thing.
Now on half a 0.5mg Clonazepam in the mornings. but finding that if I dont keep taking it, the symptoms are there waiting for me when it wears off. I hate taking medication and I don't want to get addicted either.
I'm terrified of leaving the house, the train trip to work is absolute torture (especially if its an express that doesnt stop at a station every few minutes in case I need to get out)
I don't know if its anxiety/panic as I keep getting told, or if its something else related to nervous system malfunctioning due to the iron. I just want my life back again. My horses are bored as I haven't been able to ride them due to being so unwell.