Hi, I'm new to this board. Just wanted to know if anyone has had to deal with their partner's family finding out about
your panic disorder.
I recently had a panic attack during my own birthday. It was pretty bad and one of the first my family has witness. It came on pretty suddenly and had no where to go and my dad is not the most sensitive or understanding guy. (Thankfully out of the bad came some good, my parents finally listened to me and took notice that I had a problem and now I will be seeing a doctor again.)
Because of this my dad has brought up that if he were my boyfriend's dad and he saw the way I reacted at my party that they would not want me dating my boyfriend anymore. Now this has me worried and paranoid. Have yall had to deal with a partner's family finding out about
your disorder and how did they react? Are they right to be worried?
From my understanding, his parents know I have some kind of anxiety disorder and I havent really heard them say much about
it. I think one time I wasnt feeling well and they gave me some space, but I never had a full blown panic attack in their presence. I'm afraid I might have one in front of them and oh dear what would they think of me and my influence. Just wondering about
ya'll experiences and well how do you really know if your panic disorder is having a negative influence on your boyfriend? I really care about
him and if it turns out we're in an unhealthy relationship, I would cut myself out as painful as it would be.
Sorry if this is long.