Hi, I just wanted to say this made me feel so much better. I have also suffered from anxiety since I was thirteen, so that'd be five years. I recently noticed this tickly itchy feeling deep in my chest, which extends down through my torso. I was afraid I had some sort of heart problem, but it has never really caused any noticeable problems other than the itchiness. The fact that it is probably anxiety related makes me feel comforted. Though, I wish it would stop. I'm taking medicine, so I don't know why I'd still be having anxiety symptoms. Recently, I was trying to come off my medication (10 mL lexapro) so I was on 5 mL for a month. I was having terrible anxiety problems the whole time (though now I'm fairly sure it was withdrawal). Then, at the end of December, I ran out, and the office was closed! AND my psychiatrist was out of town on vacation so she couldn't authorize for me to get more, let alone go back to my normal dose. So, I was off the stuff for a week. Do you think that, even though I've been taking it normally for at least 2 weeks now, my body still needs to adjust? Thank you again!
PS, I also have this thing sometimes where my heart feels like it "leaps," for lack of a better descript
or, and I take an immediate breath, almost uncontrollably. Is my heart skipping a beat, or am I having EXTRA heartbeats? Or is it something else? Your opinions are appreciated!
Post Edited (Em the Fae) : 1/29/2013 4:25:07 PM (GMT-7)