Posted 8/23/2016 10:50 AM (GMT 0)
uni gig yesterday for the med students. I was with anxiety, but she went for a walk after a bit!!! prof says if you can handle 100 students, you can handle some work. he is a clinical director of the drugs and mental health dept of our hospital. a pilot program for functioning consumers to work in emergency and the psychiatric hospital as peer workers will be kicking off. so, I will be applying. he's the boss, so I reckon I stand a good chance, plus I have done some project work with him. the gig was draining, but very good. got another next week.
seen my doc, got cephelagy and brachyalgia going on. had a ct last week of cervical spine. it is getting too much. ket ya know. been battling a cold. keep strong, just thought i'd check in.