Hey folks,
I'm in the middle of switching SSRIs (Celexa to Prozac), and I just started my second week of Prozac. My anxiety has been ramping up a lot already because of the side effects of switching (nausea, diarrhea, lack of appetite etc). As I've posted in the past, my anxiety also goes up big time when I'm traveling or I know I'm going to be traveling soon. On Friday evening this week I leave for a week to visit a couple of my wife's friends in Seattle. A five hour flight, seven days away from my routine, my job, my house (my safe place), and my dog. The anxiety really started this past weekend and has just been getting worse and worse this week. I have no idea how I'm going to step on that plane on Friday evening.
My wife knows I'm starting to get anxious about
this and she's sympathetic and often tries helpful talk ("I'm right here with you", "I love you, it's ok that you're anxious" etc), but this only helps so much in the middle of a full blown panic attack and when I feel like I have to run off to the bathroom because I feel like I'm about
to vomit, she tends to start getting angry/impatient, which just makes the anxiety and panic skyrocket.. Any commiseration and/or tips anybody has to help at all with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much all,