Thanks for all your super valuable input I really appreciated it!!
I have one question. I have been taking the K-pin 0.5g pill, for five days in a row and I think it was working since My anxiety subsided a bit, not all. But on New Years eve, I was awoken with a panic attack while sleeping. This never happened to me before and it was really scary!! But why? I was awoken by sudden jerk movements of my legs and then I felt the panic. This never happened in the previous 4 days. After this I stopped the K-pin and I was able to sleep last night without having a panic attack. Ugh. I didn't have imsomnia before taking the K-pin. It doesn't help that I'm extremely benzo-phobic. I will call the doctor tomorrow (office is closed today) to see what else can I take for anxiety with the Lamictal. Maybe Buspar? Today for the morning anxiety I took a 25mg of the good ole Vistaril while wait to talk to the p-doc. Of course being my anxious self doesn't help.
Also, for coping with anxiety I'm doing this: I'm introducing to my daily routines 20 minutes of meditation by using the App Omvana and walking 2 miles per day. I will begin Yoga this week as well. I also started reading the famous book The Anxiety and Phobia workbook to understand all this.
On the other hand I think the Lamictal is working well for me and I'm tolerating it pretty well if I don't think about
the super rare side effect of the rash. There's always something right?
Thanks for reading and as usual thanks for your valuable input