Hi and welcome!
I am sorry that you are being affected so much by the pvc's right now. I think that just about
all of us can relate to your post in some way.
I first started noticing mine with my first pregnancy. I notice that they come and go. Lots of things can bring them on, or make them worse...for me it's stress, fatigue, what and how much I eat, and sometimes just thinking about
If you were to do a search here at HW on these, you would find more posts than you could read in a day...it is that common.
It is good that you have had a thorough check-up with your dr. Now you really have to make a conscious choice to believe that you are allright.
I had a similar problem. Like I said, I first started having these when I was pregnant, long before I ever had a A/P issue. However, once I developed panic disorder, the PVC's started to terrify me. I mean I basically had been dealing with them for over 10 yrs, but it wasn't until I was dealing with acute stress that they ever disturbed me!
Sometimes too much is just too much, and something gives. For you at this moment, it just may be too much to deal with, and that is understandable. However, the best way to free yourself of the stress/PVC cycle, is to not allow it to bother you, and practice relaxation/coping techniques.
I went through the EKG test as well. It was hard to believe that I was really okay, and my doctor asked if I wanted to request more testing. I thought about
it and decided that I really just had to choose to trust that all was well, and continue to work on treating my anxiety.
The only other thing that I can suggest, is asking your dr. about
a Beta blocker to take while you are working on your relaxation methods to help you get a head start on relieving the PVC's. I know that many members have had a good experience with these meds.
Keep posting here with us. We undestand what you are going through, and are here to support you. Post anytime:)
Scaredy Cat
P.S. If I can make a suggestion/request...could you break your posts into paragraphs? Many members find it hard to read the block form, and skip reading them altogether. You may recieve more feedback if you do:) Thanks!