Thanks for the reply. So, I did end up feeling so ill that I got my boyfriend to take me to the medi center to get checked out. I SHOULD have made an appointment to see my family doctor instead but it takes forever to get in. I feel really let down. When I went in, I first told him that I do have an anxiety disorder and have been under a lot of stress recently, but that these symptoms dont seem related as I have suffered panic for many years. So he popped me up on the table and took my blood pressure, which was fine, got me to close my eyes, hold my arms out and extend all my fingers, which was apparently fine. I told him about
the digestion and he dismissed it mumbling something about
how he used to be in the army and they called it ...something guts? He felt my glands and told me there is some swelling on the left side, but wasn't concerned. Then he stated it is most likely a cold because he noticed I was breathing through my mouth for the whole visit. I told him I had jaw surgery and have been a mouth breather since a young age and that my nasal passages are like pin holes. He said.."why on earth did you have surgery on your jaw??" so I told him it was from an overly recessed bottom jaw and I had my bite corrected and also to repair soft tissue in my esophagus to avoid sleep apnea. So then he had me lay down and proceeded to push on my stomach under my ribs. I folded in half in pain. He said "oh!! Its quite tender there isn't it!?" And that was it. Told me it was a cold or viral infection. Didnt order any blood work, didn't even take my temperature. Just sent me on my way
I am still feeling just as terrible today and very defeated.