Random question, I know. I'm suffering from HA about
my vision & it's been going on for months. It's always some new visual symptom scaring me to death.
I just want to know if any of you guys see after images fairly easily? Mine don't last long but they happen a lot lately. If I'm reading on the computer & then I look at the wall, I see a pattern of the text, lasts about 20-30 seconds. Same thing if I look at blinds. I'll see a pattern for about 30-45 seconds (if the sun is bright especially). If I'm watching TV & look at the wall, I see the TV for about one second. If I look at the Google logo on my screen & then move my eyes, I see the Google logo for about one second as well. You get the idea. It just seems to happen all the time lately.
Is this normal? Can this be made worse by anxiety? This is my fear the last few days & I'm super worried about it. Sorry. And thank you.