Hi Tizzy and welcome
I am sorry to read of your long time challenge with A/P. I know how difficult it is to experience the symptoms/panic...and then subsequent health anxiety.
I am however happy to read that you have reached out, and are taking the right steps for your recovery!
Therapy and medication is a winning combination for many!
Therapy does take time and effort, so being patient with yourself and the process is important.
Medication requires some time to become fully therapeutic as well...so again, patience.
The globus sensation could be from a GERD flare...but could also be an anxiety symptom brought on by your start up. (anxiety can increase initially)
Either way, as you continue treatment for both issues...I am sure it will phase out soon.
Please see our Resources at the top of the main forum page here for great self help material to work with. Practicing the suggested exercises daily will make a big difference in how you feel.
Keep posting with us as well if you find it helpful. We care, understand and support is key!
Looking forward to getting to know you better.
Scaredy Cat