Hi and welcome back to the forums!
I am glad that you find this a helpful place and have returned...though I a sorry it is due to the current circumstances you are experiencing.
Morning anxiety is not at all unusual, and it is due to Cortisol, a stress hormone our body produces to help get us up and active after hours of inactivity. It is at its highest level in the body early in the morning, upon waking, and gradually decreases as the day progresses.
Therefore, practicing coping skills as soon as you awake...as well as throughout the day, will be one of your best defenses against the morning struggle.
As far as your medication goes...have you talked to your doctor about
the possible opioid connection with anxiety/depression? Possibly an Rx adjustment could also help in your management of this issue.
I encourage you finally to visit our Resources at the top of the main forum page. There is great self help material that you can get started on right away. Practicing the suggested exercises daily will really make a difference.
Keep posting with us as well. We understand, care and support is key!