Don't be sorry for posting...that's why we are here!
Yes, what you describe is a pretty typical pattern...some good days, and then the challenging ones in there as well.
As far as your concerns about
it being socially related...look at it this you feel like being out and around people when you are not feeling well/sick? Of course not. That is your body's way of saying 'lay low and rest for now'. The same applies here. You are still the same sociable just need to give yourself a break during the rough times. Anxiety takes a lot out of us, and we need to be gentle and patient with ourselves when we are feeling depleted.
Finally, more advice for coping? I personally really rely on positive self talk/mantras. We words we say to ourselves have power...for the positive or be sure to keep only good statements on loop in your head!
Be sure to check out all of the material in our Resources if you've not done so already...great stuff in there!
Peace and progress,