Hello and welcome!
I am so sorry that you are going through a rough time at the moment. I know how scary and confusing it can be to deal with panic!
First and foremost, you are going to be alright. I know that things are really difficult right now, but they will get better. Hang in there and have hope...because it is always there.
It sounds like you are having an especially hard time with your start up. SSRI will initially increase your anxiety...while your body is adjusting and things level. Unfortunately and ironically, this is exactly what you neither expect or welcome when you just want anxiety relief, right?
Usually the window for therapeutic levels to be noted is anywhere from a couple, up to even 12 weeks. However, if you are experiencing ever increasing panic after weeks on your Rx...I think that you may need to talk to your doctor for guidance.
Do you take your Paxil dose and your Ritalin together? If so, this could be too activating, and may be triggering the PA's. Is so, I wonder if taking one in the morning and one at night might work better?
This is something you can ask your doctor when you consult with him/her.
For now, please see our Resources at the top of the main forum page here for great self help material that you can work with to keep your overall anxiety levels as low as possible. Practicing the suggested exercises daily will make a difference in how you feel.
Keep posting with us as well if you find it helpful. We understand, care and support is key!!
Scaredy Cat