Hi AL and welcome!
I am sorry to hear of your anxiety amd Rx troubles.
I underdtand how miserable panic attacks are, so know that you are not alone.
I am curious why your doctor prescribed Amitriptyline for your anxiety as this is not a typical med used for A/P management.
I am guessing your P-doc then reinstated you on it for relief before a gradual wean?
So, after stopping again, you are probably still feeling the effects of dealing without a tool that you had become accustomed to.
So, is your goal to now be med free...or perhaps to seek another, more commonly used Rx such as an SSRI/SNRI?
How about
therapy and self help. Have you been able to start either of these options? If not I really recommend doing so.
You can check out our Resources at the top of the main forum page here for great material and get started on your own today...
...and consult your doctor when you can about
a therapy referral.
It will get better with time and effort. Keep us updated, so we can keep you in support.
Scaredy Cat