Hello and welcome!
We are glad that you've joined us, though sorry to hear that your challenges are back to bother you with increased symptoms and worries. I completely related to many of the issues you mention in your post, and have had the same transient/returning symptoms as you. It is frustrating to have them come back after such a nice reprieve...though good news is to be found in that you know you can get back to that good place of management once again!
It is possible some of your issues are Rx related, and will phase out with time. Your upcoming appointment should help you to sort out those concerns, and help to determine if anything can be adjusted, or further looked into to help you be and feel your healthiest.
For now, please see our
Resources at the top of the main forum page here. We have great material to work with that will give you a boost in your CBT/Health Anxiety self help. There are several links, to check out, as well as book recommendations specifically on H/A...as well as other great general anxiety management tools.
Know that we understand what you are going through...and that we care. Please post anytime you need some support and encouragement...we are here.
Talk soon,
Scaredy Cat