Hi C29 and welcome!
I too am sorry to hear about
your awful attack. I know how scary and confusing this feels.
As Hibee mentioned, using coping skills such as breathing exercises that can be found at the sticky thread @ the top of the forum page will help.
Positive Mantras are another one of my key tools that work to stop anxiety/panic for me. Telling yourself that this is just a manifestation of stress/anxiety...and nothing else...will help you to feel calm again. You are not going to go crazy...and this will pass.
Our anxious thoughts lead to anxious behaviors (like hyperventilation) which triggers panic. So repeating reassuring statements and practicing breathing/stress reducing exercises is key.
Keep posting with us as well. Great job on reaching out...and if you find it helpful, come share anytime. We care, understand and will be here to support you!
Scaredy Cat