Hi everyone,
I have posted couple of times about
my health anxiety. Heart anxiety rather. This all started in July when I had my first panic attacks. I have been to ER twice in this 5 months. Have been to GPs number of times. I have had several cardiograms and also had holter monitor for 24 hours. Nothing came in. I am not able to come in terms with it that there is nothing wrong with me.
I am flying next Monday. Will catch 3 planes with plenty of lay over time. My husband will be with me so, I am bit relieved but I am still getting panicked. Last night, I was sleeping and 5 in the morning I felt chest pain and palpitations. It went on for a few seconds. I shaked it off and tried to go to sleep but could not and kept checking pulse. I called my GP and he assured me again that it is anxiety.
I am freaking out thinking how I would fly.. what If I get panic attack... no medical help.. what if I wont be able to control palpitations and it goes out of control and M drop dead! What ifs
Please help me with all the 'positive' stories of flying. Especially, when anxiety is on peak. I have flown before several times without getting anxious. but, this time I have been diagnosed with panic disorder and health anxiety and my thoughts hovering around my heart..I keep feeling sensations..flutters...