I hope your littlest is feeling better! The flu is something very scary (I am sorry you had da panic attack) I hope you are feeling better too!!! My Daughter is 6 and my son is 3.5, and yes they do keep me very very busy!! Haha I hope you are right about
the colon cancer, actually my last colonoscopy was May of 2014 so 5.5 years ago
(( I usually get diarrhea when anxiety hits hard (which it had in October/November) so I don’t know why I am so constipated and it’s making me so worried because it’s a “change.” What tops it off this morning on Facebook there was a post about
a young girl who barely had any symptoms and ended up having last stage bowel cancer and died. Omg just writing this is making me
More anxious. Ughhh I don’t know!!!