some how the previous thread with the title ( sans part 2) is locked and i cant reply there not sure why but that thread would have given a better context .
Its been almost year since i last posted
Wishing you all a very happy new year
thanks to Scaredy Cat.. this post helped me in many ways
Tim tam i know u are very blunt and honest ..sometimes it did hurt me but yes all that u wrote most times made sense whenever i was retrospective in reading your comments
Its almost a year now since i last posted ..went through some good times with my band and music...and that fell apart sometime 3 months back which was very heartbreaking for me ....lost my best friend for years, almost 10 years...which is something im still trying to digest .....there were some women who apparently claimed they liked me and that they have fallen in love with me and when i said i am going through a phase and i am not quite sure,...they said ugly things and shut me off like they never knew me
...i really don't know how people . do that?
I had some professional success too if i may mention it
since the past 3 months its been quite lonely ....i am not sure how things will change or ever improve ..its slightly different from what happened since my wife left me
i dont use stato pam since almost 5 months i guess now
just that i take .25mg of petril every alternate day before sleeping
i am not ..if i may say happy..i am at peace though i feel .....
i am lonely, i do have the thinsg that i need ..some things that i want are missing ...
how have all of u been?