Good morning
I am a long suffering anxiety attacks
. I have had this weird symptom for years and I have had it checked and all is ok but can’t figure out why this is happened. It’s been 3 years now but most recently happening more now not sure if it’s stress or anxiety but it’s possible. What happens to me is I start hearing my heart beating loud on the right side of my ear and I hear it clearly. My ears start to close up as if they are full of pressure and my head. I start to feel disorientated like I cannot not function i feel off balance cannot sit or lay down cause of pressure in head. I feel really weird. I have had an MRI year years ago with contrast on my head. And it came out normal. I have had my blood pressure and all test normal with heart. I notice if I take half a clonasapam in about
10 mins I feel back to normal. But it’s a Vira ow feeing that I have no control over it takes over me quickly. Has this happened to anyone?? Maybe I’m losing my hearing ? Or I have fluid from allergies? No clue I tried look online to see if this is an anxiety symptom and cannot locate anywhere so my thoughts are going toward I’m seriously ill. Please help