Hi I was reading Jayo's message and I'm blown away by the similarities.
I'm 41 and I have been dealing with this for three years now. It started when I had a surfing accident and I was hit in the chest with my fin. As time went on I started having pain in that same spot. One day while I was working I had the pain for 15 mins and I got scared so I went to a cardiologst, my Dr perform a ECKO Stress test and Ultrasound and everything was fine. I some how found relieve in knowing that my heart was OK and the pains started to decrease and become infrequent.
One thing that I have noticed is that after my son was born I worry more and when ever I get a pain my mind races. I think about dying and leaving him fatherless and my wife without a husband.
I use to smoke pot also but quit. I noticed that I would have to be totally free of worry and not think about anything that was of importance to me other wise my mind would take over and mind heart would race.
I do know that I am a strong, lovng, emotional, and sensitive person. I have always been someone who helps others and I like doing it, especially when it's family. I have a very busy work life and I travel all over the world.
I remember when I was in Pusan Korea when my wife was 8 months pregnant, after talking to her on the phone I let my mind get out of control and worried that I may not make home for whatever reasons. I ended up canceling the rest of my trip and got a ticket home the next day.
As I sit here and write to you I can think of all the times that this has happend and the end result always being the same my body can't handle the stress that I cause by thinking of the worst. I still get pains in my chest now both left and right side. My arms, shoulders and neck are always tight and hurt. I started getting pains in other places too, sometimes right in the center like an electrical shock or tension headaches. I bought a book called "Trigger point therapy" so I wasn't always taking pills. It's helped but not a cure all.
I have now had many blood test, more stress tests over the last two years and recently a Nuclear Stress test and another Ultrasound of my heart to make sure it is pumping normally. The Dr's keep telling me that there is nothing worng and I have a healthy heart.
My Cholesterol is below normal, my tryglecirdes and sugars are all normal. There is no heart muscle damage and no blockage. When I participate in sports I'm fine and excell. I play Basketball, soccer, run, and I want to get back into Martial arts but then I worry about the contact and what it might do to me.
So I started doing Chi Kung (Chi Kong). It has been good for me it is slow fluid movement, combined with relaxed breathing and stretching techniques. Key Benefits. Reduces Stress Physically & Mentally. Conditions Muscle, Tendon, Ligaments, & the Bones. Unifies the Mind, Body, & Spirit. Teaches Proper Breathing. Lowers Blood Pressure. It does work, whenever I stop doing it for a week or longer I seem to fall into the same trap.
I'm starting to give in to the fact that I may have anxiety, I remember once yelling at the Doctor when he perscribed Zoloft "that I'm not depressed, if anything, the reason why I appear depressed is because I don't know what the hell is wrong with me and either do you." I occasionally take Antivan for anxiety but I hate being dependent on medication. Finally my mother told me that she had a chemical inbalance and that my father does as well.
Boy thanks for the genes, :) I do not blame them and I love them very much.
Stress can cause many problems and cause damage to your body, remember that the mind is very powerful and can get you into trouble at times.
When I get back from the doctor in a couple of weeks I touch base and let you know the results of my new blood work and results from the Ultrasound. My family Doctor is now saying that I may have fibromyalgia and I'm currently researching that.
Try and relax, go for a walk if you can, preferably out of the city get back to nature. Leave the cell phone behind, focus on you.
Take care my freinds don't give up the fight to get healthy, Adios.