Found out last night while talking to my partner that he had been burying his head in the sand about
my condition.
I thought it was because he didn't understand or was scared so I have asked him if there was anything he wanted to ask me etc... but he didn't want to.
I have left things 'lying around' incase he wanted to read about it instead of asking.
I tried talking casually about things last night , he acted as if he hadn't heard me (don't know if he did or not he was watching TV) and then started talking about himself on a totally different subject.
I can't keep pretending this isn't happening - but I don't know what to do.
To top it off last week he said he needed more 'me time' - one thing , I hardly see him as it is (not his fault as he works 5 days a week) and the other , my daughter and I have nowhere to go , I left all my friends in another part of the country (we had to move coz of his job) , the weather is changing for winter now , and I struggle even just taking her to town because she can be a bit wild and stubborn I'm not strong enough to carry her far. I thought his rugby training/playing was 'his time' , he even went out with the lads the other night , it's not as if I make him stay in all the time.
I'm getting worried