This happened to me while I was driving today.
I was on the highway, just driving along and all the sudden I looked around and nothing felt familiar for several minutes, and then I realized where I was, and then went to my sister's work to pick her up.
On the way back home I was driving on the highway where it splits into two different highways, and it was all the sudden unfamiliar again and I was filled with such panic and looked around and knew I should have KNOWN where I was but nothing looked familiar and I felt like I had never been there before, and kept wondering if I had accidently taken the wrong highway because nothing looked familiar although I have driven down that SAME highway hundreds of times and so I kept searching for the exit sign that I knew would be there and it was, and so then I suddenly realized I knew where I was. Everything just felt like a new memory, like I had NEVER driven down that highway yet I HAD. It freaked me out.
Has this ever happened to anyone?
I've never experienced derealization like this at all. The derealization I experienced before was tolerable, but THIS is enough to make me think I'm gonna end up in the psych ward in 2 weeks or less.
Am I going insane or is this just a part of derealization I've never experienced before?
It scared me terribly and I'm afraid to drive now because I don't want to get lost if this happens. I mean, what if it happens more often and I start to forget everything and I go crazy?
What if I just completely can't remember anything? Is this early EARLY on-set Alzheimers? IS this a symptom of schizophrenia? LORD HELP ME!!! HW help me!! I'm scared.
Am I going crazy?