I have anxiety and panic attacks so bad! Plus a dizziness like floor shifting, off balance and pressure in m head! This has been going on for quite sometime! I feel like there is definitly no darn hope! And yeah i hate it when people don't believe ME! It's pretty darn scarry when you feel like your gonna die or something will happen and if you go far from your home somthing will happen! Mine is so bad I think I'm scared to go to the bathroom without my cell phone! LOL! I need to talk with someone like you guys so I don't feel so darn alone! So if you would like to talk please email me at
Paris ,.......I edited out your email addy for security reasons you did nothing against rulees hun but if ppl are just going thru here and not members they ( spammers and such) can get you addy okay .....so go to control panel .edit profile and post email ady in there this way ppl that are members will get it only .......Thanks for your understanding and WELCOME aboard
Post Edited By Moderator (Howlyncat) : 11/24/2006 7:08:52 AM (GMT-7)