extremely BAD anxiety when my periods comes?!?
i have this panic attacks anxiety depression :-(
Its hard for me to have Faith & Hope when I keep getting this bad anxiety and
it comes with crying and shaking & depression - loss of apetite and faintness
& horrible scared feeling (afraid to be left alone, afraid of losing control & hot
flashes Shaky, Sweaty & negative thoughts - and fear - thought I was going
crazy -I can't breathe, my heart races - not able to sleep :-( i feel sick with the
horrible feeling - allways anxious!
I'm tired of the pain, and despairing/losing hope -
I start to feel a bit better but them my periods come & its HELL again :-(
When will this nightmare be over?? I'm so scared that its not going to end? :-(
begun anti-depressants "Citalopram" 20 mg been on them for 4 weeks now
and i dont know if they are helping? i did feel a bit better intill periods come?
whats going on with me? how can i stop this?
so say its a hormonal imbalance and Overactive Thyroid? i did have a blood
test and it come back all fine -?
I do try to be happy - but its hard to stay positive when I know what's going to
happen to me every 4 weeks! Even when I have a good week its still there at
the back of my mind knowing what's to come. :-(
i went to see a Natural Healthcare lady - homeopathic & she said i do have a
hormonal imbalance and Overactive Thyroid and she will regulated to the
normal speed and imbalance my hormonal! but she did not say how long it will
love & hugs littlemissmuchafraid