wow..Makman when i first started this post, i read it back to myself and thought man there were other things that i should have added. and well you added the stuff i left out, for example, the Dr. told me on my last visit i have GERD. and the cancer thing..whenever something health wise was started to bother me i would also go on the net and diagnose myself, ive had everything out there. my grandmother passed away from a brain tumout a couple years back, and one of the last things i was told she did before they took her to the hospital was walk out of her bedroom and ask one of her daughter where the bathroom was. due to the brain tumout she couldnt rememebr thing. and when myanxiety was really bad around the time of her passing my mind in another world, and kept forgetting thing, but i later on was told my my Dr. (when i asked him if i could have a brain tumour) that it was because of all my anxiety and constant worrying. just to let you know my "brain tumour" is gone now:P . i can look back at some of my past illnesses and kinda giggle to myself. its so stupid though. i keep on thinking my doctor is missing something, and that i have a termanal illness. um untill 7-8 years ago, i was an outgoing young guy. never missed a hunting season, went camping and fishin, ALL the time. i did everything withought having any worries. and now? im a let down to my 2 boys and my g/f. i want to gain control my life back. last summer we went out to my g/f's mom and dads cabin almost every weekend, my boys were 2 and 3 at the time, i look back at pictures of me stting on the deck and think to myself "wehre was I"? my mind was so overwelmed with worrieing and i was only physically there with my family. before my grandmother passed away with her brain tumour she first had breast, then it went to her lungs, then she had the brain tumour. i quit smoking 10-11 months ago, "because im scared" to get lung cancer". most people i know that are quiting smoking are quiting becasue the price of smokes are crazy. durring the past momnth and a half ive seen my Dr. and the E.R about 5-6 times, thingknin i have lung cancer. the Dr. at the E.R sent a request for me to have an ultra sound on my upper abnomin, becasue i told him i was getting pain under my breast bone. i went ofr the ultra sound tuesday morniing, he was putting that thing on my right side alot, made me think he saw something. just another thing for me to worry about. i bought a motorcycle this past summer, so the last couple days ive been shinning and polishing her up for this spring comming up, its kinda kept my mind off things. by the way i no longer go on the net to check on symptoms i have any more, it aint good:P