to jzz
its apparent that no SSRI type antidepressant will work for your anxiety, this does sometimes happen but there are many other types of antidepressants to try, but this never occurs to some docs who go on prescribing the SSRI type, one after the other for years
wellbutrin and effxor are 2 other types, you have to try them for 2 to 6 weeks to see what happens, also theres no guarantee that 1 that does work for your anxiety will also help with the depression
often if one type of AD doesnt work, another will, its about time all docs knew this
the xanax will always help but its short acting so if having or expecting an anxious day, divide the dose into 3 and take morning, lunchtime and at about 4 pm
dont take it or any benzo just before bed on a regular basis as you may lose the ability to fall asleep naturally