Wow-thank you all soooooooooooooo much for your support-it literally brought tears to my eyes!!!!! I woke up this morning with major anxiety (which has not happened to me for several weeks), but coming on this board has really helped me!! You are all such caring, loving people-wish I had a magic wand to make us all "better"! In the meantime, I saw an ad in a local paper for a job that sounds really neat- but I have to convince myself that I made a committment to the job I accepted, and I have to go that route (the one I accepted does seems like a good job, but the one is the ad sounds much more exciting-oh well....not that I would even get the one in the ad anyway...) Right now I would just love to crawl in a corner and suck my thumb-LOL- but I know that is not an option.
To make matters worse, my husband is doing a temp job that he absolutely hates- the people there are really lazy and are giving him most of the work to do-he can't say anything, though, because he needs the paycheck!! Hopefully he will find something permanent soon, so he can give up the temp job. He's been out of work for almost 10 months- wish he would find something so that he can gain his confidence back!!
Well, thanks for letting me vent again, and thanks again for all of your posts- I know I should just be grateful for finding the job and "cowboy up"!