wow! Thank you so much for your reply :) I think you really are on to something there with the negative feeling association. I never thought of that, I have always thought it was some suppressed doctor fear I didn't know about
before it decided to show its ugly head last year. Unfortunately over the past year I have a developed an actual fear of white coats, scrubs and blood pressure machines because of the negative feeling I had that one day, my blood pressure goes up to like 156/91 at the doctor... anyways that would make alot of sense since the fear itself it was not provoked by anything a doctor or dentist. ever did to me. Thank you for that thought. I am definitly going to ask for an AD again, you are right. I might try zoloft again as I ahve been off of it for several years and I don't think it ever stopped working. Unfortunately I have to pay out of pocket for my psych visit so I want to make sure I get on the right thing pretty quick he is expeeeeeeensive, half hour is like $100. It is worth it to me considering how sick I was with this when I was younger, I don't want it to progress much further. I will do some research on the taurine as well. Have you heard of L-lysine or L-glutamine helping?
Thanks again!