So.. I've had IBS for about
3 years now. It started after a D&C in 2004. I did a lot to try and calm it down. I tried more fiber (I have IBS-D), acidophilus, and even went to a GI who prescibed Donotal. Around October or November of last year I was watching TV and saw a commercial for Activia. I decided to take the 2 week challenge. It actually worked! I was able to stop taking the other stuff and I just had 1 yogurt a day. I was able to go out again with out too much worry and even eat at restaurants. I felt like I had my life back.
In December I started having some bad chest pains. I couldn't figure out what was causing it. I couldn't breath, meaning I couldn't really take deep breaths without trying a few times. I felt like my chest was tight and heavy too. The pain would rotate around from the center of my chest to my sides and back at times and I would feel some tightness in my breasts. I had also had a fall onto my chest around that time, so I wasn't sure if it was related to that or not. I finally went to an acute care center who told me I had a sinus infection and acute bronchitis and gave me a prescript
ion. I took the medication and found that I got a little better, but it didn't fix the problem. I lived like this for months and then decided that I couldn't take it anymore. So I made a doctor's appointment. She told me that I had costochondritis (possibly due to the fall) and that I still had a sinus problem. She gave me a z-pack and some allergy meds and sent me on my way. These things moderately helped as well, but didn't fix the chest problem. So I went back. She then sent me in for an EKG and a chest x-ray. They found nothing. I had blood tests done... nothing.
Then I began to have problems swallowing on top of it all. I went back to the doc. She decided that I could have some acid reflux and put me on Prevacid, but said that if this didn't help she would write me a prescript
ion to have an EGD done. I was on it for about
2 months with very minor improvement, so I scheduled the EGD. I had that done about
2 weeks ago. They found that I had some bile in my stomach and irritation in my esophagus and that I should stay on the Prevacid. Other than that, they found nothing. about
a week before the EGD, my IBS-D started flaring up again too. I did have a lot of stress around that time, my sister was getting married and I had a lot on my plate on top of being sick. I also have 4 kids, so I'm always busy.
Since the EGD I've had some minor improvements in swallowing, but not entirely. I made a follow up doctor's appointment for next week, but I know she's just going to think I'm nuts still. I get these pains on my sides, next to my breasts, a little lower than my arm pits, but I don't feel any lumps or anything. I feel like the left side of my rib cage sticks out more than the right side and that I can almost feel muscle or bone sticking up near my breastbone on the left side (but the chest x-ray didn't show anything). My back hurts, I still have some trouble taking deep breaths and my IBS is still here (even after the wedding). I feel pain near the bottom of my rib cage on the left side, sometimes sharp... which I assume could be stomach problems associated with the bile I guess. But I feel tightness and pain sometimes all across the bottom of my ribcage.
I feel like I'm going nuts. I can't take it anymore. I can't take being told that there's nothing wrong with me or that it's just anxiety or allergies. I know I have allergies and I know I can be anxious, but this stuff never seems to subside. I'm so worried that it could be something worse and they're overlooking it. What else can I do??