Thanks, Stkitt. :)
Well, I know that the med doses for OCD are rather higher than the anxiety/depression ones, but I just wondered if such a little dose of 20 mg could be effective as well in my case - I'm not sure if it's exactly OCD in me, it's only obsessive thoughts, which are not constant, but they do disturb me. They don't lead to any compulsions, by the way.
I also wouldn't like to put in me even more quantities of meds, as I get pretty much antiinflammatory & immunosuppressive drugs, due to my U. Colitis.
These thoughts aren't good, as they relate to either a thing which is beyond reach of mine, or to a thing which I've simply lost - so they can't be constructive and can be only harmful. It's not important what they're exactly, I'd like rather not to tell about them. It's not worth.
Cheers :)