I recently admitted to my family and the doctor how I had been feeling, and my family have been excellent. I am finding it quite difficult just to talk though, which is why I thought it might be easier to do it on here. I recently gave up an executive position due to having a couple of panic attacks in the boardroom and thinking "this isn't for me", I now work part-time doing telesales and I also do aromatherapy parties in the evening and that's it. I now have the time to take my son to school and to relax - however, when someone says "what are you worrying about
?!", I honestly can't answer them because I don't feel that I am worrying more than the norm about
the usual things ie money, relationships, children etc etc
I have had a few attacks in my part time job and on a couple of occasions have had to leave work early, I have one minor attack at the start of one of my party's, but managed to get through it. I have read lots on the net and they all say embrace the attacks, which I find impossible to do, because I am so tense about another one starting that I am apparantley worrying all the time about it.
I do try breathing, but don't know if I am doing it right and I find it so hard to concentrate on anything other than the attack! Now that my family know I think I feel better. Subconsciously I know I have made all the right decisions but seem to be beating myself up in the mind all the same. Does that make sense?
I have just been to the library and got a book out on Tai Chi, which is meant to be good for stress and relaxation.